Sunday, August 16, 2009

Obama and Sebelius 'Ready to Drop the Public Option'

I am absolutely outraged over the news that HHS Secretary Sebelius is ready to drop the public option. I called Representative Neal's office a few weeks ago to tell him that Healthcare reform with no public option is no healthcare reform at all, and I stand by that belief. My health will not be for sale. I called the White House just now but they're not answering the phone (it's Sunday), so I will call tomorrow. The number is 202-456-1111 and the HHS is 202-619-0257. I'll call Rep Neal again and likely Senator Kerry (as useless as he is).

I'm willing to live without single-payer healthcare, but to live in the only country without universal healthcare and some kind of government option? It's embarrassing. I keep my Danish health insurance card as a reminder of what I once had: access to high quality, single-payer health insurance, paid for by progressive taxes, where my coverage was no different than that of any other fellow human being in the country.

Here again are the numbers:
White House Comments 202-456-1111
Health and Human Services 202-619-0257
Representative Neal 202-225-5601 or 413-785-0325
Senator Kerry 202-224-2742 or 413-785-4610

Make the calls. You, the 47 million uninsured, and all other Americans deserve better.

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